Welcome to Key Stone Overseas Consultancy

Our experienced professionals provide expert guidance through every step of the student admissions and visa process.


Find Out More About Us

At Key Stone Overseas Consultancy, we believe that education is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities. We are committed to providing students with the guidance and support they need to succeed academically and professionally.

At Key Stone Overseas Consultancy, we offer a comprehensive range of services to assist students in achieving their dream of studying in a foreign country.

  • Consulting

    Personalized one-on-one consulting sessions to understand your unique goals and aspirations.

  • Guiding

    Expert guidance on selecting the right university and course that align with your academic and career goals.

  • University Admissions

    Assistance with the university admissions process, including application preparation and submission.

  • Visa Process

    Step-by-step support with visa applications to ensure a smooth and successful process.

Stay up-to-date with the latest educational news and trends by reading our blog. Our team of experts regularly shares insights and advice on a variety of topics related to education and career development.


Check our Services

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Profile Evaluation

Evaluation of student profiles to suggest appropriate study options, they evaluate aspects such as the student's academic background, hobbies, job objectives, and financial position.

University Selection and Admission Guidance

Depending on student academic capabilities, desired careers, and personal preferences, education advisers can assist students in selecting the appropriate course and university. The application procedure includes helping students fill out application forms, write recommendation letters, create statements of purpose, and submit the necessary paperwork.

Visa Assistance

A student visa application can be a difficult and drawn-out process. Education consultants can assist students with the visa application process, ensuring that they submit the required paperwork and satisfy the requirements established by the immigration authorities of the destination country.

Financial Planning

Many times, studying abroad requires a considerable financial commitment. Education experts can provide details on the financial aid, scholarship, and grant alternatives accessible to students. Additionally, they can help you develop a sensible budget and, if necessary, look into your financial alternatives for higher education.

Language Test preparation

In less than ten years, Key Stone Overseas Consultancy—an idea—evolved into an ultra-modern English and test prep hub. English speaking and quality test prep practices have called it home ever since. Is it an organization's size, income, or both that set it apart? Not really, though! The complementary nature of the farsighted vision and unwavering mission serve as the twin motors of achievement.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive and widely-used cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. It offers a wide range of services including computing power, storage, database management, content delivery, and machine learning, among others. AWS has gained popularity and market dominance due to its reliable and scalable infrastructure, as well as its extensive set of services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses, developers, and individuals.


DevOps is a software development methodology that aims to bridge the gap between development and operations teams within an organization. It focuses on improving collaboration, communication, and integration between these two traditionally siloed departments, with the goal of streamlining the software development process and speeding up the delivery of high-quality, reliable software.


United State of America

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Sara Wilsson


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Jena Karlis

Store Owner

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Matt Brandon


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John Larson


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Frequently Asked Questions

Study abroad market trends show that most of the prospective applicants prefer applying through a study abroad consultant and only a few students apply abroad completely on their own. You need to extract all information from consultant about the course, university, visa, application process, fees etc. Here are a few questions to ask your Study Abroad Consultants.

  • Yes, Key Stone Overseas Consultancy offers virtual consulting services to clients all over the world. Meetings can be conducted via video conferencing or phone.

  • Key Stone Overseas Consultancy offers a wide range of educational consulting services including college admissions counseling, career counseling, academic tutoring, and test preparation.

  • All of Key Stone Overseas Consultancy's consultants have advanced degrees in their respective fields and years of experience working in education. They also receive ongoing training to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practises in the industry.

  • The IELTS system is highly regarded and widely recognised as the world's most popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration. Whether you are looking to study, develop your career, or settle in an English-speaking country, IELTS can pave the way.

  • The overall cost will ultimately depend on a variety of factors including your destination city, cost of living, personal expenses, the fees charged by your university, additional costs like insurance etc. There are many state universities which offer quality education at marginal costs compared to private universities. Many of these courses may be within your budget; make sure to ask the consultant about price comparison between various universities.

  • Many consultants refer students to universities which aren’t accredited or are considered ‘Bogus’ by the visa authorities because they offer the consultants a hefty commission amount for referring students. You need to research a bit on your own and look for reviews of universities and colleges by current students to understand how the college ranks. A few honest reviews will help you get an independent opinion of the college instead of the biased picture the consultant is offering.